Barrier Parking System

Introducing a cloud service for organizing off-street parking lot

What does the serviceconsist of?

The service consists of a software product controlled by the Garashko system and a set of equipment necessary for the parking lot operation. System maintenance is included, all of our customers do not need to care about system upgrades and hardware maintenance.

The system is delivered on a turnkey basis, and our support ensures the system's smooth operation (from the software to the replacement of any barrier component or other equipment installed). It is already included in the cost of our solution. Within one business project, the customer can combine off-street parking lots and on-street parking lots based on the Garashko parking management system.

Our solution allows organizing the administration of parking lots of two types:

Parking lots for organizing access control

Paid parking lots

Equipment for on-site installation includes:

Barrier with induction loops* and internet connection interface

Router (if necessary).

At the request of the Customer, two or more barriers can be used in the system (depending on the number of entrances and exits at the parking lot)

How does it work?

After installing the equipment at the facility, Garashko specialists will ensure the connection of the parking management system with a barrier, and the parking lot Operator will have full access to the system settings for his/her specific requirements. Setting up the system will take a matter of minutes, and you can easily start working at your new parking lot. The principle of parking lot operation under the control of the Carsleep system is very simple and convenient for both the Operator and the Driver. All technical issues can be resolved both by Garashko representatives and through certified partner companies (a separate solution for each regional market)

Operation principle:

The driver shall register his/her car and payment card details in the Garashko app for drivers

The driver will get the opportunity to see all available parking lots with barriers on the app

Parking lot with a barrier is marked with a "barrier" icon and can be intuitively easily visually identified by the driver

The system allows booking a parking space for a specific date and time, which gives potential and convenience to your clients when planning trips.

Access to parking spaces:

The driver goes to the chosen off-street parking lot, then drives up to the barrier in the area of the first induction loop at the entrance, which allows him to control the barrier through the app. The driver’s next action is to press the “Open the Barrier” button and, after opening it, drive the car

through the central and last induction loops to park it at the parking space. At this moment, the system automatically registers the beginning of this car parking and the parking time begins. The driver can pre-purchase a permit (starting from the 1st hour up to 1 month) to use the Garashko system for both on-street and off-street parking lots and/or pay for parking for the time actually used (we use per-minute billing). In this case, the permit will be valid only within the parking area chosen by the customer.

Exit from the parking lot:

The driver drives up to the barrier to exit the parking area. The driver needs to drive to the induction loop zone at the exit, which, in turn, will allow controlling the barrier and the barrier will open after pressing the “Stop Parking” button.

The driver will see a message on the app about the actually used parking time and will be able to pay for this service without leaving the car. After paying for the service, parking will be completed automatically. In this case, the system will register the end of parking for this car.

The Operator will see in the system register all actions of the driver from entering the parking lot to payment and exit. Payment will be charged according to the tariffs set by the Parking Operator (in the case of using a prepaid permit, payment will not be charged, the system will register the end of parking time for this car).

Using the Carsleep parking management system

As the Parking Operator, you automate all actions, and no further intervention is required. You do not need to use the services of inspectors at the off-street parking lots to check parking rights, the system will not release the car from the parking area: the barrier will not open until the service is paid.

The system allows flexible setting up of tariff plans, managing permit types, remote controlling of the barrier in case of unforeseen situations (for example, the entry of ambulances or police cars), and using statistics to analyze and manage the parking lot. The system also has emergency algorithms for opening the barrier in the event of a power outage and a lack of internet connection.